Saha Equation for Partially Ionized Relativistic Hydrogen Plasma in Rindler Space

Author Details

Sanchita Das, Somenath Chakrabarty

Journal Details


Published: 4 September 2018 | Article Type :


We have studied Saha equation for partially ionized relativistic hydrogen plasma in Rindler space. Following the principle of equivalence, we have obtained the abundances of neutral hydrogen atoms, hydrogen ions and the electrons in dynamic equilibrium of the photo-ionization reaction of neutral hydrogen atoms and electron capture process by hydrogen ions (de-ionization process) in relativistic hydrogen plasma in Rindler space. Following the standard technique of statistical mechanics we have investigated their variations with temperature of the plasma in the Rindler space or equivalently in some uniformly accelerated frame of reference. Hence, obtained the Saha ionization formula in a partially ionized hydrogen plasma undergoing uniform acceleration. It has been observed that the abundance of neutral hydrogen atoms decreases with the increase in temperature of the plasma, which is the usual picture, whereas it increases with the increase in the strength of uniform gravitational field. The second part of this observation shows that the binding of the electrons inside hydrogen atoms increases with the increase in the strength of gravitational field or equivalently an observer with very high acceleration will see less amount of ionized hydrogen atoms compared to inertial observer.

Keywords: Saha equation, Uniformly accelerated frame, Inertial frame, Rindler space, Rindler coordinates, Photo ionization, Quantum binding.

PACS: 03.65.Ge,03.65.Pm,03.30.+p,04.q.

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Sanchita Das, Somenath Chakrabarty. (2018-09-04). "Saha Equation for Partially Ionized Relativistic Hydrogen Plasma in Rindler Space." *Volume 2*, 3, 25-29